Protestors attack AK Party offices on fourth day of Turkey protests

Turkish protests enter their fourth day as clashes took place between Turkish protesters and riot police in early hours on Monday with some offices being set on fire by the ruling AK Party. The ongoing protests are the fiercest anti-government demonstrations in years. Streets in Turkey’s turned calm in the morning after noisy protests andContinue reading “Protestors attack AK Party offices on fourth day of Turkey protests”

Turkey protests continue unabated

Once again Clashes resumed between police and protesters on Saturday morning at central Istanbul’s Taksim Square. Demonstrations had begun going on in Turkey for four days now. The protests began spreading to a dozen other Turkish cities in no time. This includes the capital city of Ankara, and Izmir, where stones and bottles were thrownContinue reading “Turkey protests continue unabated”

Turkey facing the heat from international Press Freedoms watchdog over keeping Independent Journalists in Jail

In the report of an international organization that is dedicated towards the cause of press freedom. It has marked the regime of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to be the most rigid regime in the world to let the media function independent of any pressure from the administration. “Committee to Protect Journalists” is theContinue reading “Turkey facing the heat from international Press Freedoms watchdog over keeping Independent Journalists in Jail”