China extends Wuhan coronavirus quarantine to 2 more cities

China has extended its quarantine of Wuhan city to Huanggang and Ezhou, cutting off a total of 19mn people. Following the outbreak of coronavirus, planes, buses, and trains were shut down at 10 pm local time on Thursday morning. As reported by journalists and people, even roads going out of these cities have been shut.Continue reading “China extends Wuhan coronavirus quarantine to 2 more cities”

California to sue Bureau of Land Management against drilling and fracking of public land for oil

Keeping with the growing urgency of acting against climate change, the state of California is going to sue the Bureau of Land Management to block the opening of more than 1 million acres of public land to oil and gas drilling, including hydraulic fracturing or fracking. The dangers of fracking on the environment are wellContinue reading “California to sue Bureau of Land Management against drilling and fracking of public land for oil”

Donald Trump’s pick for HHS secretary has inflated insulin price thrice during last stint

Alex Azar, the man who has been picked by US President Donald Trump for the position of Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary is known to have tripled the price of Insulin in his last stint as a high-ranking executive at the pharmaceutical company Eli Lily. Azar is succeeding Tom Price who has to resignContinue reading “Donald Trump’s pick for HHS secretary has inflated insulin price thrice during last stint”

Delhi LG Anil Baijal has granted power of detention to the Delhi Police against anti-CAA protesters

A complaint has been registered against anti-CAA protesters for creating a blockade in Shaheen Bagh. Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal has granted the power of detaining authority to the Delhi Police Commissioner under the National Security Act, which allows the preventive detention of an individual for months if the authorities feel that the individual isContinue reading “Delhi LG Anil Baijal has granted power of detention to the Delhi Police against anti-CAA protesters”

Legal awareness builder – How many judges of Supreme Court of India have been removed by impeachment?

No judge of the Supreme Court of India have been removed from their office through impeachment. *This question was asked in the Uttarakhand P.C.S Civil Judge (Pre) Exam, 2008

Department of Military Affairs (of India) – Organisational Chart

Under the newly-created Department of Military Affairs headed by Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat, there will be two Joint Secretaries, 13 Deputy Secretaries and 22 Under Secretaries.

Offline channel preferred choice of CBD consumers in United Kingdom?

A survey was conducted recently to understand the distribution channels of CBD market with the central emphasis being on the product and brand offerings within the major cities. Data points taken into consideration for this survey were captured from 140 bricks-and-mortar channels (retail points) in seven UK cities (in terms of volume), with both chainContinue reading “Offline channel preferred choice of CBD consumers in United Kingdom?”

School takes Harry Potter books off library shelves over fear of curses and spells

The pastor of a Roman Catholic school in Tennessee has banished JK Rowling’s Harry Potter novels from the school’s library shelves. The decision has come in the wake of Reverend Dan Reehill’s assessment of the spells and curses in the Harry Potter – which according to him is capable of conjuring evil spirits in realContinue reading “School takes Harry Potter books off library shelves over fear of curses and spells”

Hazmat suicide at California hotel leaves staff sickened

Eight members of Hotel Fairmont’s staff have fallen sick after exposure to poisonous chemicals. According to the San Jose fire fighting teams, the woman, who committed suicide on the 19th floor, may have used the hazardous material. As part of the decontamination procedure, the HAZMAT teams of San Jose and Santa Clara County fire dept.Continue reading “Hazmat suicide at California hotel leaves staff sickened”

£250 fertility drips not effective, says doctors and charities

A wellness company has been accused by fertility experts in UK of duping women with false hopes of being able to conceive a baby, using their £250 drip. The drips are being marketed with the image of a baby in the womb. Doctors have unequivocally rubbished the claims made by , which is presentlyContinue reading “£250 fertility drips not effective, says doctors and charities”